Say Hello, Wave Goodbye

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye The titular “Wee Room” is a safe haven at the bottom of our garden where friends gather, music is played, books are read and ideas flow. It certainly saved my sanity during lockdown, it was a place I could go, watch the birds, be close to nature and to just be . Now we are into September, my retirement date is looming and this feels like the final countdown. I have been lucky enough to have had the support of a coach through what feels like one of the most significant transitions of my life, so far. After, a lifetime of emphasising the importance of well-planned and managed transitions for autistic people, I was at serious risk of not realising that I also needed to plan and to address the psychological and emotional impact of moving on from a long career. It’s not all lunches and reminiscing and fond farewells, there is a fair amount of emotional challenge and unresolved issues which, over the last few months, hasn’t always led me to behave well. ...