Short termism: A plague on all our (third sector) houses

Short termism: A plague on all our (third sector) houses The titular “Wee Room” is a safe haven at the bottom of our garden where friends gather, music is played, books are read and ideas flow. It certainly saved my sanity during lockdown, it was a place I could go, watch the birds, be close to nature and to just be . The third sector in Scotland is, in so many ways a vibrant and creative space where people are met with acceptance, understanding and life-changing support. I have been involved in many developments that demonstrably make a significant impact on the lives of people. These initiatives range from family support services, playschemes, mental health support services, One-stop shops and many more. Where are they now? Well, only the strong survive in a sector that is plagued by short-term thinking and short-term funding. The third sector has the capacity to build infrastructure and to bring stability to the lives of marginalised people. Ye...