Past, Present and Future -

The titular “Wee Room” is a safe haven at the bottom of our garden where friends gather, music is played, books are read and ideas flow. It certainly saved my sanity during lockdown, it was a place I could go, watch the birds, be close to nature and to just be . Past, Present and Future. As someone who has always worked, starting with a Saturday job in Woolworths (sadly, no longer on our high streets), and then summer jobs, the most memorable being a stint in Butlins (don’t ask), the decision to retire early hasn’t been taken lightly, but it has been taken. I hope you will share this transition with me through a series of blogs as I contemplate the past, wax lyrical about the present, and look to the future and the different ways I might continue to make a contribution. I didn’t set out to work with autistic people. I had a few false starts to my career but always worked with people who would be considered marginalised or different in some way or who the system termed “...